ISHTIP 2013 – Programme

5th Annual ISHTIP Workshop:
Cultural Economy and Intellectual Property

26-28 June 2013

Event organized in collaboration with Institut d’histoire du droit (UMR 7184, Université Panthéon-Assas), LARCA (EA 4214, Université Paris Diderot), Heyman Center for the Humanities (Columbia University) and Columbia Global Centers Europe-Reid Hall, IDHE (UMR 8533, CNRS-Paris 8), Centre de recherches historiques (EA 1571, Paris 8), JILC (EA 1569, Paris 8), CRIDAF (EA 453, Université Paris 13-Villetaneuse)

Coordination: Laurent Pfister (Université Panthéon-Assas), Will Slauter (Université Paris 8).

Please note: All papers will be circulated in advance of the workshop. To receive access to the papers, please email after June 1st. The workshop is open to the public, but since the format consists in discussion rather than formal lectures, the venues have limited capacity. There will be sufficient space for contributing authors, commentators, and a reasonable number of attendees, but we cannot guarantee seating in advance.

Wednesday 26 June, 14:30-18:30
Columbia University Reid Hall, 4 rue de Chevreuse 75006 Paris, salle des conférences

14:30-14:45 welcome remarks by Laurent Pfister and Will Slauter

14:45-16:15: Professional Associations and Corporate Interests (Chair: Jane Ginsburg, Columbia University Law School)

Guillaume Sintès, Université Paris 8 (Danse): “Les travaux du groupement professionel du SNAC (Syndicat National des Auteurs et Compositeurs de Musique)”
Comment: Sandra Travers de Faultrier, Barreau de Paris/Sciences Po/JILC (Paris 8)

Choralyne Dumesnil, Sciences Po Paris (Droit): “Propriété industrielle: Les enseignements de l’Inde”
Comment: Joshua Sarnoff, Depaul University College of Law

Jérôme Pacouret, EHESS: “Défendre le droit d’auteur contre le copyright, avec le soutien d’Hollywood : les relations franco-américaines dans la mobilisation des cinéastes français autour du ‘téléchargement illegal’”
Comment: Stavroula Karapapa, University of Reading

16:15-16:30 Break

16:30-17:30: Priority and Property in Early Modern Science (Chair: Liliane Hilaire-Perez, Université Paris Diderot)

Rachel Gostenhofer, History Department, Brown University: “Priority Disputes and the (Pre-) history of Intellectual Property.”
Comment: Simon Stern, University of Toronto

Jérôme Baudry, Centre Alexandre Koyré, EHESS/Harvard University: “L’inventeur comme auteur: les stratégies d’appropriation de l’invention par le texte et l’image (France, 1791-1844)”
Comment: Philippe Minard, Université Paris 8/EHESS

17:30-18:30: Industry Practices and IP Norms (Chair: Peter Jaszi, American University Washington College of Law)

Audrey Millet, Université Paris 8/Université de Neuchâtel: “Les normes intellectuelles et artistiques comme écho à l’esprit du capitalisme. L’impossible propriété des dessins de fabrique (France-Angleterre, XVIIIe-XIXe)”
Comment: Ariane Fennetaux, LARCA, Université Paris Diderot

Julia Ju, Max Planck Research School for Competition and Innovation, Munich: “The (Ir)relevance of IP Protection for Innovation: Empirical Insights from the Fashion Industry”
Comment: Christophe Geiger, CEIPI, Université de Strasbourg

18:30-19:30 Reception

Thursday 27 June, 9:00-18:00
Université Paris Diderot, bât. Condorcet, 4 rue Elsa Morante 75013, Amphi. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes

9:00-11:15: Cultural Practices and the Boundaries of Copyright Law (Chair: Will Slauter, Université Paris 8)

Catherine Bond, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, “’The Equitable Right to Her Late Husband’s Brains’: The Cultural Practice of a ‘Right’ to Royalties in the Australian Colonies”
Comment: Laura Murray, Department of English, Queens University Ontario

Bettina Lerner, Department of French, City College, CUNY: “Anti-Intellectual Property: Parody and Plagiarism in Nineteenth-Century France”
Comment: Susan Pickford, CRIDAF, Université Paris 13

Marta Iljadica, School of Law, University of Southampton, “Graffiti Rules, Copyright and Culture: Urban Space”
Comment: Deborah Halbert, Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii

11:15-11:30 Break

11:30:13:00: Guilds and their Challengers (Chair: Philippe Minard, Université Paris 8/EHESS)

Trevor Cook, Trent University, Oshawa/Victoria University, Toronto: “Literary Propriety in Early Modern England: George Wither and the Stationers’ Company”
Comment: Frédéric Rideau, Institut d’histoire du droit, Université de Poitiers

Ted Sichelman, University of San Diego School of Law, and Sean O’Connor, University of Washington School of Law: “Patents as Promoters of Competition: The Guild Origins of Patent Law in the Venetian Republic”
Comment: Corine Maitte, laboratoire ACP, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée

13:00-14:15 Lunch for participants

14:15-15:45: Commercializing Scientific Knowledge (Chair: Allan Potofsky, Université Paris Diderot)

Isabella Alexander, Faculty of Law, University of Technology, Sydney: “Navigating the New Waters of Copyright Law: The Sea Charts of John Hamilton Moore”
Comment: Robert Mankin, LARCA, Université Paris Diderot

Christiane Demeulenaere-Douyère, Centre Alexandre Koyré, UMR 8560 (CNRS-EHESS-MNHN), “Défendre les intérêts moraux et économiques des inventeurs: un exemple d’action collective sous la Révolution (1790-96)”
Comment: Valérie Nègre, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette

15:45-16:00 Break

16:15-17:45 National and International Organizations (Chair: Christophe Geiger, CEIPI, Université de Strasbourg)

Gabriel Galvez-Behar, Université Lille 3 / IUF: “The “French Connection”: French Scientists and International Debates on Scientific Property during the Interwar Period.”
Comment: Alain Pottage, Department of Law, London School of Economics

Augusta Dimou, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Freiburg, Breisgau: “From State Governance to Self-Management: Intellectual Property Rights in Communist Yugoslavia”
Comment: Matthias Wiessner, University of Leipzig

Friday, 28 June 9:00-18:00
Université Panthéon-Assas, 12 place du Panthéon, Salle des conseils

9:00-9:45 Plenary Lecture (Chair: Laurent Pfister, Université Panthéon-Assas)

Jean-Christophe Galloux, Institut de recherche en propriété intellectuelle (IRPI), Université Panthéon-Assas

9:45-11:15 Industry Practices and IP Norms (Chair: Gustavo Ghidini, University of Milan)

Arpan Banerjee and Indranath Gupta, Jindal Global Law School, India: “Film Piracy in British India: A Study of Madan Theatres”
Comment: Peter Decherney, English and Cinema Studies, University of Pennsylvania

Kathy Bowrey and Michael Handler, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney: “Instituting Copyright: Reconciling Copyright Law and Industry Practice in Buying and Selling TV Formats”
Comment: Jessica Silbey, Suffolk University Law School

11:15-11:30 Break

11:30-13:00 Rethinking Originality and Ownership (Chair: Sara Thornton, LARCA, Université Paris Diderot)

David Sporer, Comparative Literature, University of Zagreb: “Notions of Originality and Plagiarism in Renaissance and Croatian Literary History”
Comment: Eva Hemmungs Wirtén, Uppsala University

Jorge L. Contreras, American University Washington College of Law, “The Public Genome: An Alternative Narrative of Gene Patenting”
Comment: Dan L. Burk, UC Irvine School of Law

13:00-14:15 Lunch for participants

14:15-17:00 Business, Creativity, and IP Law (Chair: Irene Calboli, Marquette University/National University of Singapore)

Philippe Mouron, LID2MS, Aix-Marseille Université: “La Construction du droit d’exposition des oeuvres graphiques et plastiques”
Comment: Nicolas Binctin, Université de Poitiers

Christophe Magis, CEMTI, Université Paris 8: “Les soundalikes en musique de publicité : analyse socio-économique et musicale d’un contournement du droit d’auteur”
Comment: Maurizio Borghi, Brunel Law School

Dan Hunter, New York Law School, and Julian Thomas, Swinburne University of Technology: “Playing Well with Intellectual Property”
Comment: Dev Gangjee, Department of Law, London School of Economics

17:00-17:15 break

17:15-18:00 Final Discussion

Comments by Lionel Bently (Cambridge), Laurent Pfister (Université Panthéon-Assas), Will Slauter (Univ. Paris 8), Martha Woodmansee (Case Western Reserve University)